your details First Name Middle Name Last Name Occupation your identification if you are not a NZ citizen we also will need your visa Valid NZ Passport Valid Overseas Passport NZ Drivers licence (front and back) NZ Firearms licence (front and back) click to attach your ID your contact information Address Suburb Mobile City Home Postcode Country Email proof of address your proof of address needs to be in your name, show your current address and be less than three months old Bank Statement Utility Bill Rates Invoice Government Letter click to attach proof of address your tax information Are you a NZ tax resident? yes no if yes, please provide your ird number IRD Number Are you a resident in another country? yes no if yes, please provide your tax info Tax Number Country declaration and authorisation By signing this form, I declare that the information I have given is true, correct, and complete. I understand that giving a false answer I can be penalized in accordance with NZ law. I understand that NZ Property Law may share my details with the Inland Revenue department which may share my information with tax authorities in overseas jurisdictions (if applicable). I authorised and give my consent to NZ Property Law to give any of my information to any New Zealand Government Departments if required to do so by law. Upload your signature Upload Sign your signature Clear Date September 11, 2024